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Anti-cellulite Massage for Thighs

Anti-cellulite massage is very popular! Cellulite is a frequent problem for many women, regardless of age, weight, lifestyle. What is cellulite ? Massage is one of the most effective aids in the fight against it. The benefits of anti-cellulite massage are not negotiable! Not only clients of Health Spa salons leave positive reviews about it, but also doctors. Anti-cellulite massage allows you to see the first results in a couple of  massage sessions! A special massage technique with individually selected anti-cellulite  essential oils allows to “break down” subcutaneous fat.

Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs in San Diego
Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs: Service
Anticellulite massage with Oils

1) eliminates save your hips from the visible cellulite

2) reduces volume

3) will give elasticity and smoothness to the skin!


The massage session lasts 40 minutes. During the procedure, the massage therapist covers the hips with a sheet and works alternately with different areas, while maintaining  this covered other areas.

Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs: Beliefs


  • have a healthy diet

  • exercise regularly

  • sufficient sleep

SlimBodyProgram San Diego
Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs: Beliefs

The recommended course is 10-15 massage sessions, depending on the client. The price of the procedure is  95 $. With prepayment for the full course, price is discounted to  90 $

Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs: Beliefs


  • health problems     

  • pregnancy  and breastfeeding     

  • blood diseases     

  • hypertension     

  • wounds and cuts on the skin     

Anti-Cellulite Massage for thighs: Beliefs



3517 Del Rey St, unit 106B,

San Diego, CA 92109


Phone: 619 - 586 - 0136


Disclaimer: All the information presented on the HealthSpa4u Massage Therapy Website is for educational and resource purposes only, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. It is NOT a substitute for, or an addition to, any advice given to you by your physician. Please consult your physician before beginning any massage program or utilizing any information found on this site. HealthSpa4u Massage Therapy cannot be held liable or responsible for any errors, injuries, and/or damage arising from the use of this site, directly or indirectly. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same or similar results. 
We also reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, when customer presence interferes with the safety and well-being of the massage therapist other patrons, and the establishment itself. If you are not satisfied with your therapist, please notify us within 15 minutes of your session and we'll gladly change your therapist when available or issue refund. There will be no refund after 15 minutes in treatment. 

©2020 by HealthSpa4u

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